
Samagra has been working with the Departments of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment (DAFE) and Fisheries & Animal Resources (F&ARD), Govt of Odisha, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), over the past 4 years on multiple agri-centric interventions. Building on top of earlier success, LEAP (Livestock Expansion & Advancement Program) was conceptualized to focus on increasing the income of livestock farmers through two animal husbandry value chains i.e. Dairy and Goatery. Samagra’s role is to develop a holistic design to achieve the income enhancement objective and execute it over 3 years to deliver palpable change on ground.

Animals (Dairy and Goatery)
Livestock Farmers
16 & 175
Districts and Blocks
Value Chains

Samagra’s approach to improving farmer’s income is through having targeted missions i.e. Odisha Milk Mission and Odisha Goat Mission. Each of these missions will have a set of technical interventions. The Dairy Mission, for instance, includes technical interventions such as animal induction, balanced nutrition and breed improvement. Additionally, administrative and ecosystem interventions such as healthcare digitization, credit facilitation and community organization activation will cut across both missions. Lastly, baseline, midpoint and endline income monitoring will help maintain a razor sharp focus on the overall goal of the program.

Increase in income of 17+ lakh dairy & goatery farmers
Farmer-centric government scheme saturation
Livestock best practice adoption by farmers